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Our Plan

  • Basic

    • Language editing and translation
    • Standardizing the flow of the manuscript
    • Information requirements check
    • Gold standard restructuring for submission
  • Group Plan (Please contact us)

    To benefit from this group discount, a minimum of 20 coupons must be purchased (20 manuscripts).
    • Language editing and translation
    • Standardizing the flow of the manuscript
    • Information requirements check
    • Plagiarism check
    • Gold standard structuring for submission
    • Placing images and tables in documents ready for submission
    • Manuscript reviewed and edited by 1 professional reviewer
  • Advanced Plan

    • Language editing and translation
    • Standardizing the flow of the manuscript
    • Information requirements check
    • Plagiarism check
    • Gold standard structuring for submission
    • Placing images and tables in documents ready for submission
    • Manuscript reviewed and edited by 1 professional reviewer

How it works:


Complete your manuscript based upon your original research


Your finished preliminary manuscript, including references, is your starting point.


Some authors will choose to submit their manuscript to a journal of their choice for initial reviews. For non-native English-speaking authors, this journey can be challenging and time-consuming.


Many will instead opt to have the native-English speaking team at Equalix edit, optimize, and format the manuscript and, if desired, have a specialty-specific editor personally review and provide feedback on it.


The author then can review the proposed edits and changes, and submit their manuscript to the journal of their choosing. This is the role of Equalix. 


Create your free account with Equalix

Image by AltumCode

To begin the process with Equalix, you must first register for your free account. Then, the author must choose which level of editorial assistance they require.  Many professional societies have group discounts or have already purchased vouchers which may qualify the author for a discount. 

Once the package (basic or advanced) is made and paid for, the author then prepares their manuscript for submission to Equalix. 


Receive a confirmation email with a link to our manuscript manager portal

Hands on Computer Keyboard

Once the free account has been established and the editorial package has been paid for, you will receive a link to the editorial manuscript manager, where the author can upload the manuscript, references, and figures. 

Through this portal the author corresponds with the administrative team and receives updates regarding the progress of the editing and review. 

A final, fully edited and formatted manuscript is then uploaded to the portal for the author's final review and acceptance. 


Submit your manuscript to the journal of your choice. 

Image by Tim Bish

Once the author has reviewed their manuscript, they submit their manuscript to the Journal of their choice. We ask that any feedback the author receives on the paper is also forwarded to the administrative team at Equalix, and also to which journal the paper is ultimately published. 

Equalix is your partner in the journey of journal submissions and publishing, and welcome feedback and your continued support!


Need Help Understanding your Exact Needs?


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