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About Equalix

We are about Equity in science and access to scientific publication. We focus on racial, geographical, language and gender equitable access.



We make science more diverse, global, equitable and fair.


We equalize scientists’ ability to publish in medical and surgical journals independently of geographical area, language, gender and race.



Equity, diversity and inclusion in the field of academic publishing in medicine and surgery.


Our process:

Equalix matches scientific authors from underrepresented geographical areas, races, genders and languages with qualified reviewers and editors with the purpose to enhance the quality of their manuscripts prior to submission thereby increasing their chances of getting published.

Our Partners

Abstract Blue Light

Editorial Board and Directors at Equalix

Years Combined Experience in the Editing/Publishing Academic World

Manuscripts Reviewed

Average H-index of our Editors in Chief

Combined Publications by our Editorial Board

Continents on Which Equalix Has Offices

Star Rating by our Users

We know what it takes to publish your research and what it means for you. Our experts have edited, published and helped publish papers with journals from Springer, Elsevier, Lippincott, Wolters Kluwer and other publishing groups. Our editors-in-chief have travelled the world to teach and educate around the science of medical writing and publication.



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